Contre "Paws R Us"


/ #44 Reopining of Paws... INSANITY!!!!!

2012-02-18 01:37

Where else in this country such an insane possibility could show up elsewhere than in QUEBEC????
What would have happened to these people in ONTARIO???? Criminal sentence, stiff fines...

In Québec??? Big MEDIA thing to "rescue" these poor dogs where as in fact, HOW COULD OWNING 500 dogs and being in "Business" for 15 YEARS could even be POSSIBLE????

Where was the SPA and Anima Québec for all those years???? How could no one knew anything before these "monsters" managed to have more than 500 dogs?

WHERE WERE the INSPECTORS???? HOW MANY OF them on the Quebec territory???

How many in Ontario???

Basically, nobody knows WHAT the SPA do and WHAT ANIMA QUBEC do ( or for that matter, both DON'T DO). It's obvious that we are a province of incompetent much laxism here...