
Alain, Louise, Sophie, Jacques, Luc, Andre Michel, et Philippe Ouellette

/ #73 A return to what listeners desire, if that means anything to some...

2011-01-27 00:50

We've come to a point at CBC Radio where a nameless corporate representative has decided for the many (FORMER) listeners of Espace Musique that our lives could be better spent doing something else with our time. What they failed to realize is that such an irrational decision has come to their economic peril.

What Dan brought into our family was an understanding and appreciation for what matters in music. His understanding of its history, its purpose, and its effect upon the lives of many of us was in large part the legend CBC now no longer has. Shame on you

The Blues are lived and not merely listened to. Dan knows that all too well.

...Friday night from work, a glass of wine, my lovely wife of 30+ years, and the Blues from the world of Dan Berman. Gosh I miss that...give it back to me. I deserve it.