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Gardons espoir!

#5022 Une bonne nouvelle pour les animaux de laboratoire

2012-01-20 14:43

Historic win for animals in laboratories!

Today, thanks to your ongoing support and generosity, I have exciting news to share about a very big win for animals: Humane Society International has just secured the biggest reduction in animal testing requirements in history!

Our science team has been hard at work for more than two years, negotiating with companies, government authorities and elected officials in Brussels for major changes to European testing requirements for pesticides and biocides -- among the most heavily animal-tested products in existence.

And what we've achieved is unprecedented. Learn more

Until now, dozens of different animal-poisoning tests have been required by law before a pesticide is approved for sale. In some cases, more than 13,000 animals are killed for a single new pesticide ingredient.

But together, we’ve made great strides toward convincing European authorities to say goodbye to outdated animal tests and to take up the very latest animal replacement and reduction alternatives. Going forward:

Twelve-month dog-poisoning studies: gone.
Lethal dose skin, inhalation and injection tests on rabbits and other animals: on the way out, no longer an absolute requirement.

We've just secured the first-ever legal acceptance of alternative test methods and strategies that reduce animal use by 40 to 70 percent.

And that's just the beginning. Next up? After this enormous victory for animals and humane science in Europe, we’re moving into the world’s other major pesticide markets -- the United States, Canada, India and Brazil -- to make sure animals everywhere benefit from these advances.

We can only do this work because of support from people like you. Thank you so much for all you do for animals.

Andrew Rowan, President & CEO, Humane Society International



#5025 Re: Une bonne nouvelle pour les animaux de laboratoire

2012-01-20 16:20:29

#5022: Gardons espoir! - Une bonne nouvelle pour les animaux de laboratoire 


BRAVO BRAVO BRAVO !  ANDREW ROWAN   President & CEO, Humane Society International  !  H.S.I.   a travaillé d`arrache-pied . Connaissant les compagnies et leur laboratoires de vivisection et d`expérimentations très difficiles d`approche et protégées de toutes part , HSI a dû faire preuve d`une volonté de fer et d`un savoir-faire exemplaire !

THANK YOU SO MUCH for sharing that best news of the year with us ! .. 

experimentations on animals are not acceptable !   bravo HSI !  ET MERCI !!!!