Les musulmans au Québec: Intégration ou expulsion !

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#101 Petit coucou de france.

2015-08-18 10:37

(j'ai fureté sur la toile) Etrange, les mêmes questions et bourrages de cranes média que l'on connais également nous-mêmes  depuis les années 90, en france, en angleterre, en allemagne, en belgique et toujours les mêmes revendications.

Il y a  tellement d'exemples de soumissions de l'état francais a cette religion  ... Les abattoirs sont revenus a l'égeorgement des animaux pour ne produire QUE du ... les éleveurs de cochon ne sont pas trés heureux non plus de l'interdiction du cochon dans les cantines et etc.

On dirais une même histoire qui se répete partout de la même manière

Je compatis.

Si vous souhaitez une immigration francophone, ilvous suffis de contacter Pole emplois en france, et vous trouverez des millions de candidats compétent éduqués et formés, pouvant devenir "la richesse du Quebec" (je suis sur qu'on vous l'a servi celle la aussi.)


#102 Re: Mémoire courte!!!

2015-09-05 23:14

#2: - Mémoire courte!!! 

 Gros arab sale decalise tu mérite pas le Canada


#103 Freedom and peace will always prevail against infamous islam

2016-02-21 06:40

I found this petition while browsing the web . It is very important to talk about the real issues behind Islam , because it is not a simple religion with moral values and ethics belonging to a specific group but a whole mind-control system which aims to rule each and every aspect of human life . In fact by denying the salvation brought by JESUS CHRIST on earth , whose love spread and gives life every day , they choose the opposite : Hate .

Look at almost all the conflicts and turmoils around the world .
Canada : Attack in parliament, ...
USA : 9/11 , Saint Bernadino,...
Indonesia , Nigeria, France, Russia, Germany, ...
Even the Middle East is a powder Key for themselves .
The treat of Islam is no longer an utopia .
Moderate muslims want radical terrorists to behead Christian and others
Radical Muslim just do want is commanded by their religion since islam itself means submission
The core of the problem is the teachings and actings from the Kuran since every muslim obey and live according to it , terrorists attacks will prevail and even expand in peaceful countries .
My proposition is to reduce the number of muslim people in non muslim countries by deporting in their native's ones or by enforce domestic laws to force them integrate.
The democratic value should not be used and perverted against christians who build them thorough their history until now.
As a believer of Jesus Christ , i pray for the salvation of every muslim across the globe . May God control our borders and drive our rulers in the path of wisdom and justice to repeal the wicked and undo barbarian mindsets

Soon Millions will sign this petition

Your work is really appreciated. Go ahead.