NON au bannissement des pitbulls au Québec


/ #490

2016-06-17 14:09

I am a Pit Bull Advocate and have seen this too many times where governments overreact and go after the dogs and not the owners.We have gone through this in America for too long but now we are coming to come to our senses and realize that Breed Specific Legislation does not work.for many reasons not the least of which it is too expensive and difficult to enforce. But the main reason is it kills innocent dogs and breaks up families. It also ensnares dogs that are not Pit Bulls because even for us advocates it is sometimes hard to tell if it really is one. Please don't go down this road you will regret it in the long run but in the mean time thousands of innocent animals will lose their lives. I beg you to please reconsider this misguided legislation and instead go after the people that are the real reason for the problem
Thank you!