Contre "Paws R Us"


/ #109

2012-02-19 14:38

It is time that law start policing animal rights as much as they police human rights. It is despicable that these people were allowed to function for so long in the first place. Giving them their license back would be a slap in the face of all the 500+ dogs who were rescued from their horrendous conditions, not to mention all of the people who came together to help in that seizure and rescue operation. It will potentially also be a death sentence for any other dogs coming in to their "care" (and I use that term lightly). Please do the right thing and make an example out of these people, showing the rest of the country that puppy mills and mistreatment of animals will NOT be tolerated. We need stiffer laws for such ignorance and disrespect for "man's best friend"! Thank you!