
/ #6064 " Maire Tremblay and Mr. Lacroix shame on you…."

2012-07-28 06:28

L'Apprenti-Sage sportif canin says:
July 27, 2012 at 4:05 pm


i have been fighting all week for WICCA now i’m crying and have been all day..

Maire Tremblay and Mr. Lacroix are dog killers, as we the people fight against animal crualty and think that maybe just maybe the government will help or understand…we realise that no they never will..

It’s easier to KILL a dog than the admit they were wrong about their decision….

Maire Tremblay and Mr. Lacroix shame on you….i always tought that you were hypocrites…well now you have prouven me wright…

All i can say is that i’m prouder saying that i have 50% ontarian in me than Quebécois…

and believe me Maire Tremblay an Mr.Lacroix…the people will “remember”

la devise du Québec est “je me souviens” believe me WE WILL REMEMBER to not vote for you…….