Ensemble contre les cotisations déguisées OACIQ 2013


/ #102

2013-09-26 21:19

Abusive tactics, sordid money grab, total lack of accountability to the membership who are the OACIQ's effective shareholders.

Same thing with GMREB who charges us $30 to attend an annual meeting because they, in their wisdom, see fit to hire a magician.

I don't need to see a magician, but I do need to find out what they have been up to in their continuing obsession to solidify their hold on power by separating GMREB from the national real estate body CREA. The world uses MLS but in Quebec, the GMREB wants to re-brand ar CENTRIS!

We are beleaguered on all sides by greed, incompetence and a total lack of accountability.

Maybe this petition, aided by a poor real estate market, can herald a new era in which we the members have more control of what is done on our behalf with our money.